

My most favorite meal of the day! A delicious, nutritious breakfast helps us get our day started the right way! Whether you’re looking for yummy egg recipes or something sweet, I’ve got plenty of tasty, healthy options!

Soups & Salads

One of my fondest childhood memories is coming home from school to a warm bowl of soup in the winter or a yummy prawn salad in the spring! Soups and salads are easy to prepare and a fantastic way to eat healthily.

vegetarian chili


It’s tough after a long day to come home and put the effort into making a tasty, fresh meal. That’s why I’ve taken the time to make sure all my meals are easy to make, health-conscious, and most importantly – delicious!

Snacks & Sides

Let’s be honest. Some days are just snacking days. And that’s ok! But I’ve cut the salty chips and replaced them with some tasty homemade snacks instead! Check out some of my favorites and how to perfectly pair a side with your meal!

avocado snack
blueberry pie

Sweet Treats

Who said eating healthy has to be boring? Using alternative ingredients, it’s possible to make just about every sweet recipe into a yummy treat without the guilt! From baked goods to dessert, check out my indulgent sweet recipes!


One of my favorite things to tinker with are drink recipes! I love making the perfect smoothie, or finding the correct balance of spices to add flavor to my chai tea latte or hot chocolate! All health-conscious, of course!

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